Drs. M.A.F. SEDIQI Arts - Rimpelzorg Klinieken
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BIG registration number of EU :39909673201Doctor degree  USSR
Clinic ordinatory Interal medicine  USSR
Clinic ordinatory short option ENT specification
Doctor degree  Free Univercity of Amsterdam 2008 Netherland
Doctor Internal unit at Univercity medical centre Utrecht Netherland
Doctor  Orthopedic  chirurgie unit Flevo Hospital Netherland
General practitioner Family doctor Goes Zeeland Rijlof
Ambulante adult pschiatric doctor Lelystad Netherland
Carecoordinator and Chef of addiction clinic
Care coordinator and head of interculturale psychiatry By Ipsy Almere Netherland
Chef of health of a child and yong adult psychiatry
Chef de clinique and owner of wrinkle care Almere Holland
American academy of integrative cell therapy Stem cell practice&advanced cell therapy protocols 2023



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